Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week 1!

Hello and welcome to SPRING QUARTER!!
We have a garden full of fellowship for you to dig into :)

Pre-Large Group Dinner (3/29)
Location: Plaza (Revelle)
Time: 6:30 pm

Large Group (3/29)
Location: Center 115
Time: 8:00 pm

Post-Large Group Snack (3/29)
Location: Tap Ex (off campus, rides will be provided)
Time: After Large Group

Paint balling (4/3)
Bring: $20-25 per person, includes rental, gas, and paintballs
Paint balling is a ton of fun, so why not go together? Come and BRING YOUR FRIENDS!
Spaces are limited, so if you want to go, sign up with Henry Li.

Admit Day (4/10)
Admit Day is a day when all the prospective freshmen come and visit UCSD, and we want to invite them to AACF! So if you would like to table during Admit Day, please sign up!

AACF Basketball Tourney (4/10)
UCR-AACF is hosting a basketball tournament, come play or cheer others on! It will be a great time of fellowship and it's a great opportunity to meet our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ at other campuses as well. Sign up with Andrew.

Banquet Committee 
This year banquet will be on May 21st at the Forum. Banquet is a celebration at the end of the year to recognize all that God has done for us throughout this year. Even though it's at the end of the quarter, we need YOUR help to put it all together! So if you're interested in serving in this capacity, sign up with Jessica.

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