Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 5!!

Hello AACFers! Hope all of you are thriving in your relationships with God!

Prayer Meeting (4/26)
Location: Marshall College Room
Time: 5:00 pm
Come pray! :)

Pre-Large Group Dinner (4/26)
Location: Foodworx (Sixth College)
Time: 6:30 pm
Hungry for more fellowship? Come to pre-large group dinner!!

Large Group (4/26)
Location: Sixth College Lodge
Time: 8:00 pm
We will be doing a missions activity that simulates the difficulties of understanding different cultures.

Progressive Dinner (5/3)
Instead of large group on Monday of week 6, we will be having a progressive dinner! It's a great way to bond with various people in our body over food and games. Come join in on this delicious adventure!

Blessed: A Discipleship Event (5/15)
Being able to be in a discipleship pair is a blessing! So whether you are currently in a discipleship pair or not, come to this celebration of how God has used this special relationship to grow our fellow brothers and sisters.

Banquet (5/21)
Banquet is coming up! So if you would like to attend this celebration of all that God has been doing, sign up during large group!

Leadership Training Conference (LTC)
June 13-18
The AACF Leadership Training Conference (LTC) is an annual conference designed to equip new AACF campus leadership teams for the upcoming year of ministry. 
For more information:
If you need financial assistance, send in a scholarship request to Kristina by May 3.
Applications are due May 10.

China Missions Trip
Interested in going on a short term missions trip to Guangzhou, China? A team of AACFers from up and down the state will be going from July 15-August 3. If you want more information, contact Jessica.

Summer Missions Scholarships
If you are going on missions this summer, AACF would love to support you! Please send a request in to Kristina as soon as possible.

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